Friday, February 15, 2013

The Countdown Begins...

...we are one month away from Match Day! Match Day is the (exciting, stressful, joyful, overwhelming, crazy) day where Tom finds out where he matched into Residency and will dedicate the next 4 years of his life! Tom is really exciting about the field he has chosen--OBGYN, and I can't wait to see where God leads us in life!

Here are the details of what we know so far, in no particular order:
-The ceremony is at Busch Stadium (Go Cards!) and we get a tour, and even get to go on the field!
-The dress is semi-formal.
-I'm already off school that day (March 15) which is very convenient.
-It is just going to be me and Tom at the event.
-I bought a new fabulous black lace dress that I cannot wait to debut!
-Tom gets a song played when they announce his name, what a rock star! Hint: it's a Jason Aldean song.
-Alcohol is being served starting at 10am, aka, when the doors open. Should make for an interesting day.
-They won't announce his residency position to everyone, he will come back to his seat and we'll open the letter together to see where we will live for the next 4 years.
-I need to learn how to use the video camera that we got for Christmas, because I want to DOCUMENT this!
-After the announcing, we'll be served a lunch. Then, there might be bar hopping....we'll see about that!
-We are telling our parents at dinner, then having dessert at my parents to end the festivities.
-I might be an emotional wreck, but I will be exhausted by the end of the day.
-Pray I don't get sick, this all happens the week of freakin' conferences!

Match day is becoming real. Yikes! I'm so excited to just know what is happening, where we are going, and not be in this state of the unknown.

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