Saturday, June 22, 2013

Beautiful Interruptions

I am a planner and when you have a plan and a type A personality, you simply don't want anything to interrupt it. I find that sometimes I am so linked to the plans in life, that I am missing out on the unplanned, the surprises, the life that happens in-between and instead and in the interruption. This week I have been blessed with two beautiful interruptions. Twice this week I received phone calls from far-away (but very dear) friends. Each time I looked at my phone, and in that instant my planning brain said:

You don't have time!
You'll be late!
What about ____ that you were going to accomplish this morning?
This is not in the plan!
You aren't being productive!

But, after my unfortunate pause, I answered my phone. And each time it was the most beautiful interruption. Each time I was blessed with selflessness, friends calling to see how I was doing, what I was struggling with, what I needed from them. And there I had been--selfish enough to think about dismissing their call, because it wasn't the best time for ME.

So, my goal is to look for and seek out and accept and answer the beautiful interruptions that life provides. I know that I'm missing so many of them and I can't wait to see what life has to offer me when I'm willing to be interrupted. And willing to put aside my plan and accept the one that God has given me.

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