Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Getting Schooled

I finally get to work with my kiddos! YEA!! Probably the only real downside of my Reading Specialist job is the fact that at the beginning of the school year, I have SO MUCH TESTING to do to determine my caseload. When it is finally all done, we have to hash out schedules and paperwork, and eventually I get to work with my sweet students. Today was that day! I'm always so refreshed when I get to enjoy a day of teaching versus all the other [boring] stuff.

Trying to explain to 5-9 year old students about my pregnancy and when the baby is going to arrive is always entertaining, and usually makes me a bit nervous. You just never know what they will ask! Here are some comments that schooled me today!

"You're having a baby. I can tell by looking at you." -1st grade boy
"You havin' a baby? A girl baby? No? you havin' a boy baby? Oh." -2nd grade girl
"You know what the biggest surprise is, right? It's when you think you are having a boy but then you have a girl!" -2nd grade girl
"You could have this baby any minute, like right NOW." -2nd grade boy
"How do they know it is a boy?" [I gave a explanation including how doctors have a special machine, like an x-ray to look inside my tummy and see if it is a boy or a girl.] "No, HOW do they know it is a BOY or a GIRL?" [I go through my explanation again.] NO, like do the girls have long hair and the boys have short hair?? How can they TELL if it is a boy or a girl?" [Um...."They just can," I respond.] -1st grade girl

I also had multiple kids tell me their moms were also having babies...some of which I was a bit skeptical on, but we'll see! Kids are so fun! I'm so glad to be working with them, and a little sad that I'll miss them while I'm on my maternity leave.

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